Visit from the Minister of the Environment

návštěva Stabilplastik ministrem Životního prostředí

On Monday, 20 January 2024, the Minister of the Environment of the Czech Republic, Petr Hladík, visited our Stabilplastik complex in Měšice as part of his trip to the Central Bohemian Region.

“I support increasing the capacity of companies that produce products from recycled materials. Circularity is our future. Waste should not be burned or landfilled, but processed for further use, in this case to produce pallets. These are made from waste in yellow bins that can no longer be used in any other way and have the advantage that they can be recycled indefinitely,” said Minister Hladík about our company.

“At Stabilplastik, we save thousands of tonnes of plastic waste and give it a second life with 100% recyclable shipping pallets. The environmental impact of these plastic pallets is 77% lower than that of conventional wooden pallets, while their lifetime is seven to ten times longer. We have already delivered more than 1.8 million pallets to the market and our goal is to build a new fully automatic line, which should increase the number several times over,” added Stabilplastik founder Jan Suchopár.